Do you make dozens of guitars?
No. We make one off Full Custom collectable guitars, and we make a limited range of guitars that you can buy using our more "off the shelf" format. Take a look around the site and get a feel for our ideas.
So what do they sound like?
You won't believe how fantastic our guitars sound. Our guitars are vibrant and exciting to play. They have a very organic tone, but have a brilliant attack and note definition that leaves most other guitars sounding muddy.
A semi-hollow Titanium or metal body and wooden neck-through design creates two chambers and a central wooden core that work in combination to create this fantastic sound. From a professional to your at home jammer, you will appreciate the music you can create with our guitars...and that is not just BS.
How long will it take to make a guitar?
If you have asked us to build a Full Custom guitar then the sky is the limit for design, therefore it could take some time to get it just right. We will work with you throughout the whole process....thats kind of the point for us...we want you to be involved in the making of your dream guitar! Once the design has been completed and the build is underway you can expect it to take no more than 90 days.
If you are picking one of the guitars we have designed and made on the website then you can expect your guitar in the no more than 90 days. We'll work through any fine details with you just in case you want to personalise it a little.
So I can pick what hardware I want?
You sure can! We can even do custom controls and parts like on the BS Skulls guitar! Dont stop dreaming, it's your guitar after all. so bring us a design and lets see what we can come up with together.